Friday, May 25, 2012

Epilogue Summary

In the epilogue of the book, it talks about how he joined the U.S Air Force. He is now a father and has a family. His son Stephen and him enjoy going to a special place that brings back memories. His son understands what he went through as a child.

An important phrase on page 157 says "I'm so blessed. The challenges of my past have made me immensely stronger inside. It's important because even though the situation was horrible, he still looks back and looks at the positive side of the situation.

What made him join the airforce?
I think that he's living a good life now with his wife and son, and that his son doesn't get treated the same way he did when he was a child. I wonder if he's ever talked to his mom after escaping years ago.

Chapter 7 Reading Assignment "A Child Called It"

In the seventh chapter of A Child Called "It" David was about to enter fifth grade and he started losing faith in God. He believed that God wouldn't just leave him in this condition for that long, and disconnected himself from all physical pain. Food was still hard to find as his mom continued to starve him so he started eating leftover food from the dogs. He started to hate everything in the world, even the sun but especially his mother. He wanted her to die, but get a taste of her own medicine before she did. Nothing pleased her, even when he won first place for a title in the school newspaper. Later on David's father reveals to the family that he's not gonna live with them anymore and that he's moving out. By the end of the chapter David knew that all his defenses were useless and that he wasn't going to survive if he continued to live in his moms house. He felt that it was his time and prayed a long prayer that ended with "...and deliver me from evil, Amen."
Important Phrase
An important phrase on page 152 says "You are all mine now. Too bad your father's not here to protect you anymore." This phrase is important because it explains a lot. David finally realizes that he has to do something fast to escape from his mom's house. If not he knew that he would eventually die.
Pulling It Together
Why did it take so long for David to realize that he needs to get out of there fast and get help?
I see that at the end, David finally realizes that his time has come and that he needs to get out of there as fast as he can before the chances of survival are slim. I wonder what happens to his mom after the police know about the situation

Chapter 6 Reading Assignment "A Child Called It"

In the sixth chapter of A Child Called "It" it talks about how his father started to spend less and less time at home and more time at work after the knife incident. Even on his days off, he would spend less than 10 minutes at the house and then walk out to a bar. His father convinced him that he was making plans for both of them to leave the house for good, but David knew that it was a fantasy. Mother's house had become unbearable for David and he now referred to it as the "Madhouse" She starved David for 10 consecutive days and made sure that the freezer was locked, and all food in the garbage was thrown out quickly. The only way he survived was by drinking a lot of water and little bits of leftover food. His mother attempts to kill him twice in the chapter first by putting him in a bathroom with a bucket full of Clorox and ammonia to try to suffocate him and then by trying to drown him in a bathtub. The abuse is far from over.
Important Phrase
An important phrase on page 114 says "I could hear the sound of "the family" passing dishes full of food to each other." This phrase is important because "the family" has quotations around it. The reason for that is because David doesn't even consider them to be family anymore because they all turned against him and took sides with their mom. They don't consider David to be in their family either.
Pulling It Together
Is the whole family brainwashed by their mom besides David?
I see that the family takes sides with their mom because they might have a fear of their mother or they could possibly be brainwashed. I wonder why she had kids if she was gonna end up trying to kill them.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Chapter 5 Reading Assignment "A Child Called It"

In the fifth chapter of A Child Called "It" the abuse continued. School was out for the summer so the options for finding food were gone. While his family ate dinner, he was forced to sit on the stairs and watch. He knew that finding food in the trashcan wouldn't work anymore so he has to think of new ways to get food. Finally his mom gives him an offer by saying he had 20 minutes to finish the dishes, otherwise he would go hungry once again. She even grabbed a knife and threatened to kill him if he finished one second late. His mom ends up throwing the knife at him which ended up stabbing his stomach which knocked him unconcious. His mom referred to it as an "accident" but it was obvious that it was no accident.
Important Phrase
An important phrase on page 85 says "If you don't finish on time, I'm going to kill you!" The phrase is important because it shows that the stabbing was no accident. She had threatened to kill him and pulled a knife out which ended up stabbing him. It shows that she had intentions of killing him.
Pulling It Together
Why doesn't his dad do anything to help in the book?
I see that the dad doesn't care about what happens to David because he does nothing to help him. I wonder if the whole family is brainwashed.

Chapter 4 Reading Assignment "A Child Called It

In chapter four of A Child Called "It" it basically talks about what the fight for food was like for David. Every day, he would dream about food hoping that he would get at least one meal in per day but that rarely ever happened. On good days, he would get leftover cereal from his brothers for breakfast only if he finished all of the morning chores on time. The hunger was unbearable so he started stealing food from  fellow classmates before school started and they were all playing outside. That only made things worse because the principal found out and called his mom which meant more punishments and less food at home. Still desperate for food, David ran to the grocery store during lunch to steal food which always ended in a bad way. Finally he dug leftovers out of the trashcan at home just to get food in his stomach. It worked the first time, but his mom found out and put spoiled food and ammonia in the garbage which made him sick. None of his attempts to get food seemed to work.
Important Phrase
An important phrase on page 58 says "I came to believe if I were to survive, I would have to rely on myself." This phrase is important because he knows that he has to make decisions on his own that could save his life. He knows that he doesn't belong to the family anymore and his family doesn't care about him so he becomes independent on ways to survive.
Pulling It Together
Why did his mom take the time to spray ammonia and put poisoned food in the trashcan?
I feel that his mom should get a taste of her own s*** and see what it's like. I wonder what other things she has planned.

Chapter 3 Reading Assignment "A Child Called It"

In the third chapter of A Child Called "It" it talks about how the boy's relationship with mom drastically changed from discipline to punishment that grew out of control. He explains how it became so bad at times, he had no strength to crawl away even if it meant saving his life. His mom now refers to him as a bad boy, and he gets severely punished while his father was at work. His mom would smash his face into the mirror, beat him, and even break his arm. She would then lie to the doctor and his dad about what really happened so she wouldn't get in trouble. The worst thing his mom tried to do in this chapter was burn his entire body on the stove and watch him die right before her eyes. In the end, she only burned his arm because Ron came running in the house. The boy had won this time against his mom which saved his life.
Important Phrase
An important phrase on page 43 says "That day I vowed to myself that I would never, ever again give that bitch the satisfaction of hearing me beg her to stop beating me." That phrase is important be cause now he knows that if he begs her to not beat him, then she'll enjoy it even more. He can no longer give his mother the enjoyment of beating him.
Pulling It Together
Why didn't the boy try to get help even after his mom attempted to kill him twice?
I see that the mom has good intentions of killing David after the stove incident, the ammonia, and the bathtub. I wonder why David didn't run away and try to get help.