Friday, May 25, 2012

Chapter 6 Reading Assignment "A Child Called It"

In the sixth chapter of A Child Called "It" it talks about how his father started to spend less and less time at home and more time at work after the knife incident. Even on his days off, he would spend less than 10 minutes at the house and then walk out to a bar. His father convinced him that he was making plans for both of them to leave the house for good, but David knew that it was a fantasy. Mother's house had become unbearable for David and he now referred to it as the "Madhouse" She starved David for 10 consecutive days and made sure that the freezer was locked, and all food in the garbage was thrown out quickly. The only way he survived was by drinking a lot of water and little bits of leftover food. His mother attempts to kill him twice in the chapter first by putting him in a bathroom with a bucket full of Clorox and ammonia to try to suffocate him and then by trying to drown him in a bathtub. The abuse is far from over.
Important Phrase
An important phrase on page 114 says "I could hear the sound of "the family" passing dishes full of food to each other." This phrase is important because "the family" has quotations around it. The reason for that is because David doesn't even consider them to be family anymore because they all turned against him and took sides with their mom. They don't consider David to be in their family either.
Pulling It Together
Is the whole family brainwashed by their mom besides David?
I see that the family takes sides with their mom because they might have a fear of their mother or they could possibly be brainwashed. I wonder why she had kids if she was gonna end up trying to kill them.

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